Getting Official certifications With Documents- Management Plan Or Management System? Which One Is Ideal For Your Organization

management planWe stumbled on the following tenderer documentation request from a council with tenders for a construction work; the document states:

The Tenderer shall submit a plan plan or system for the management of his obligations within the Occupational Health & Safety Act and associated legislation.

Further down the line it also states:

Various other things being equal, tenderers adopting more comprehensive OH&S Management systems should be favoured over tenderers offering less comprehensive systems, and through the tender evaluation period, the main may require the Tenderer the expand on information provided by the tender to create a view on the probability of the proposed system ensuring work place practices based on the legislation.

So, now you ask ,: should you submit a “management plan” or “management system” and what’s the difference between them? And what did they mean with less or greater comprehensive systems?

In the construction industry both the “management plans” and “management systems” are in fact management systems to deliver construction works; but since management systems can vary at length and format to fit the size and complexity with the individual organisation. Your management system may be just in the form of management plan.

The construction industry is unique and what differentiates it from other industries is products and services are delivered over a project-by-project basis, meaning each project is unique in scope and work environment. This feature makes it necessary that a specific project management plan is required for each new project.

A “management plan” is, document specific for a specific project and suited to small or medium size organisations that delivers all its services and products on a project basis, and essentially works as subcontractor to your principal or main contractor.

Alternatively a “management system” is actually a more comprehensive document designed for more complex organisations that your chosen simple document is probably not be enough to spell out the management system about the organisation.

Management plans probably are not enough to complete the tests of third party auditors for the purpose to obtain certification to Australian standards or accreditation to Government agencies; however a good management plan are able to pass quality examination.

Management systems have been intended to get certification or accreditation, and the same time a fantastic management system ought to simple, to enable implementation easier, and add value to the management of a project.

Management plan or management system? You will discover we have outlined a number of factors to consider when you will decide which route to take to use when growing your management system.

Management Plans

Management plans are likely to be suitable to handle quality, safety or environmental aspects for up-and-coming small to medium sized organisations which happen to be mainly subcontracted to Principal or Main Contractor on a construction project. The management plans can have the following attributes:

Fully compliant to applicable Work Health & Safety (WHS) and environmental legislations and regulations.
Compliant to Core requirements of applicable Australian standards.
Fully compliant to talk about and lawmakers guidelines usually WHS and Environmental management.
Management systems

Management System manuals are normally suitable to operate quality, safety or environmental aspects for any size of organisation that has got the role of Principal or Main Contractor over a construction project. The Management System would have the following attributes:

  • Fully complaint to applicable WHS and environmental legislations.
  • Fully compliant to applicable Australian standards.
  • Fully compliant to show and fed government guidelines in relation to WHS and Environmental management.
  • Suitable to receive 3rd party certification to Australian standards.
  • Suitable to hold pre-qualification to state gov departments.

About qualitymanagementplantemplate

I am a good daughter and have lots of dreams for my family. :)
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