Construction Project Needs: Establishing a Project Management Plan


Before the commencement of construction works, Contractors are expected to create a Site-specific Project Management Plan (PMP). The reason for PMP is to guarantee that ventures are delivered punctually, on spending budget and also to expect excellent standards.

Needed (particular) high quality standards include the provision of;

  • Quality Management Plan (QMP) describing the control procedures that’s required to signify its ability to continuously produce product which fulfills client and applicable standard requisites;
  • Safety Management Plan (SSMP) explaining the health and safety technology and procedures that will apply during the construction level of the undertaking; and
  • Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) presenting the environmental control measures recommended to minimize environmental blows while in the construction step of the contract.

Project plans are usually necessary:

PMPs needs to be formulated in line with essentials of:

  • appropriate Australian criteria for the control over quality, OHS and environmental;
  • appropriate OHS and Environmental legislation; and
  • Contract requirements.


Ordinarily, the key contractor in a building project is responsible for developing and putting into action applicable PMPs. In addition, the chief contractor is accountable for the management of subcontracted works.

Subcontractors on building projects may work within the Main contractors’ PMP, or have their own PMP or a mixture of both; in all cases the key contractor is in charge of reviewing and granting subcontractors’ project management plan.

Contents of Project management plan

Contents of project management plans is based on the extent and complexity of the contract; the next is a introduction to a standard Project Management Plan:

Project description:

A short explanation of the range of work associated with the written agreement must be documented. The information have to be adequately descriptive to supply persons unfamiliar with the agreement to recognize the particular kind of work being carried out and under what circumstances.

Company framework and management obligations:

The PMP needs to define the project management team construction, obligations and ranks of staff with targeted duties regarding quality, safety and environmental, standards and control platforms pertinent to the written agreement to ensure quality, OHS and environmental requirements are thoroughly attended to.

Communications Management

Nominate persons in charge to liaise together with contractors, client, members of the public and workers.

Incident Management

The Project needs to describe:

  • who are going to be readily available (both during and outside standard operating hours) to not have, get ready for, reply to and overcome illness/injury and mishaps
  • your methods for communicating with these individuals, and any changes to these nominations and operations, because they are kept up-to-date, are announced and showcased swiftly on the work place
  • maintaining most suitable information
  • specifics of methods notifiable situations should be alerted to Workcover

Disaster preparedness and response strategies

Define procedures to react to site challenges

Injury management and incident investigation

Define techniques to regulate injuries, investigate occurrences and regulate return to work scheme for harmed staff

Instruction and competency

Describe strategies to identify coaching requirements, and establish coaching plan for personnel affiliated with the project

Consultation and participation

Describe processes to talk with workers, contractors and entice their aide to create a secure working conditions

The next information have to be noted down:

  • Aspects of how the contractor consults with employees to help them to contribute to the building of moves having an effect on their own health, safety and well being in the workplace.
  • Aspects of methods of the membership and operation of the Safety Committee if any

Subcontractor Management

Outline processes to choose contractors and deal with them on location

Control of documents and record

You have to depict tactics to regulate documents created by the operating of your project and describe how project data files are manufactured, stored and discarded in accordance with stipulated criteria.

You will also have to feature a collection of forms expected to record your day to day activities as necessary for PMP

Non-conformance Control

Depict systems to handle non-conforming materials, workmanship, unsafe acts and environmental damage


Discuss solutions to buy components and services required to deliver the project

Inspection and testing

Describe inspection and testing required to assure quality criteria of product delivered is not affected

Site Safety Rules

Set some safety rules most suitable for the site and project to preserve the health and safety of workforce and take care of the environment.

Hazard identification and risk control

Define measures to distinguish project dangers, study the risks, carry out relevant controls and gauge. The Risk Assessment is a critical part of managing safety and environmental in whatever construction project and must be performed just before works get started for preventing harm to crew and harm to the environment.

Safe Work Method Statements

All work activities assessed as having high OHS risks require preparation and implementation of Safe Work Method Statements. When preparing such statements, one must get in touch with and include the personnel who will be executing it.

Hazardous chemicals

Outline proceedings to take care of chemicals as well as other hazardous chemical

Approval, license and permits

Summarise of any approval, license or permit necessary to complete the building routines

Environmental protection requirements

Summarize protection programs for any identified circumstances that have possibility to damage the environment for example water quality, air quality, erosion and sedimentation, flora, fauna and any other environmental sensitive item on the project.

This point is the most significant element of environmental management; safeguard programs should highlight prior, during and post works for each environmental components which have the capacity to harm the environment

Safety and Environmental Site inspections

Site safety and environmental assessments play an natural part in the identification of hazards at the work area and in the development of control measures. The Project Plan should describe the practices and strategies by which construction workplaces are going to be scrutinized on a regular basis.

Project Records and forms

The PMP should detail forms to catch proof of implementation of practices throughout the construction stage of the project; these records are examined during audits to the project plan.

In summary the project management plan should be comprehensive enough to abide by standards, legislations and contract requirements; but simple enough so all workers understand their responsibilities on the execution of the plan.

About qualitymanagementplantemplate

I am a good daughter and have lots of dreams for my family. :)
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